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    Eagle's Nest Forum Rules & Guidelines

    To enhance the quality of discussion and topics at Eagle's Nest, we ask that all members participating in the Forums abide by the following rules and guidelines. Appropriate actions will be taken on those that ignore or attempt to bypass these rules and guidelines.All actions are decided by the administrator only and are not open to debate.

    Forum Decency
    This public forum is intended for users of all ages, please take this into consideration when posting. Please use common sense and don't post explicit profanity, we are strict on the use of swearing, don't do it!

    Users are prohibited from posting pornographic, vulgar or any other distasteful or explicit images.

    Please show respect for all members. Remarks towards others about racism, sexism, origin, creed and handicap will NOT be tolerated.

    Your posts and posted images are constantly reviewed by the moderating staff, any post or image deemed unsuitable by them will be censored, edited or deleted without prior warning.

    All posts should be made in English. Do not make posts or topics in foreign languages, they are likely to be closed.

    Before you start a topic, perform a search to see if the question or topic you wish to create has been made before. If it has, post in the topic that already exists. Duplicate topics will be closed.

    Please make the topic title you are creating descriptive, clearly reflecting the topic you are addressing. Do not make generic titles such as "Question" or "I need help".

    Do not post topic titles in full capitals, or include an obscene amount of full-stops (periods) or exclamation marks, question marks etc.

    When replying to a topic, make sure you have something meaningful to say or something that will contribute to the discussion. Posts such as "Yes" or "I agree" or "LOL" are useless and are wasteful on the servers.

    Begging in the forums for anything is not allowed. This includes, but is not limited to; asking users to visit a website for the poster's personal gain.

    Do not over quote posts. If a post has more than one quote in it when you are quoting it, remove the one(s) you don't wish to quote.

    Show some restraint on the amount of images you post. Posts or topics with many images are a strain on dial-up users, so please be courteous.

    Do not post images that exceed the width of the page. This will stretch the page horizontally causing viewing problems for members. Large images are likely to be deleted by staff.

    When posting multiple large images in a post, consider linking to the images remotely rather than using the [IMG] tags.

    Do not post excessive amounts of emoticons within your posts.

    Do not "flame" others. Blatantly offensive posts directed at others will not be tolerated. While we do allow members to debate and voice their own opinions, their will be a limit to how far a heated debate can go before it is closed by staff.

    Warnings, Suspensions & Bans

    Depending on the severity of the violation of rules, the member will be dealt with accordingly.

    Under normal circumstances, the member will be issued a single warning and an explanation.

    Under heavier circumstances the member may be suspended.

    And under extreme circumstances the member may be banned from Eagle's Nest forum.

    All actions are decided by the administrators only and are not open to debate.


    Members are not allowed to create topics or posts intended only to promote or advertise their own or any website without an administrator's permission.

    Moderator: Moderators
    1 Topics
    1 Posts
    Wed Jul 23, 2008 7:17 pm
    Admin Your first subject

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